Where did Large Garden Fountains Originate from?

A water fountain is an architectural piece that pours water into a basin or jets it high into the air in order to supply drinking water, as well as for decorative purposes. The main purpose of a fountain was originally strictly functional. Water fountains were linked to a spring or aqueduct to supply drinkable water as well as bathing water for cit

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Outdoor Water Fountains Lost to History

As initially conceived, water fountains were crafted to be practical, guiding water from streams or reservoirs to the residents of cities and villages, where the water could be used for cooking food, cleaning, and drinking. A supply of water higher in elevation than the fountain was necessary to pressurize the movement and send water squirting from

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How do River Cruises Differ from Ocean Cruises?

Even though river cruises and ocean cruises are the same in many ways, you will find some vital differences as well. In general, ocean liners are larger in size and have additional amenities in each room. Given their more substantial size, they can carry many more people on board. Since river ships hold fewer individuals, passengers tend to get to

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Weekend Getaways: You Don't Have To Go Too Far

Sometimes life calls for a weekend getaway to de-stress, see something new, and have a bit of fun. However, choosing which destination to travel to can be hard when you are only going to have a few days to stay there. The following is a list of a few perfect spots for a weekend trip you will love. New York City You can get to New York City by train

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Renaissance Water Fountains of Tuscany

Two broad types of Tuscan water fountains widely known in the fifteenth century were the freestanding or "isolated" type, designed for the middle of a piazza, court or garden; and the "engaged" or wall water feature, set onto a wall at the end of a square or plaza. The Florentine wall fountain was the primary example from this period and is the han

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